By Hannah Brenchner
You're in the weeds. You're in the thick of it.
You live your life-- second by second-- so it's impossibly hard to take a moment to step back and survey what is right in front of you. The goodness. The things you are learning, even when it is hard. All the pieces of your life.
But maybe you should. Maybe you and I should step back more to see just how much we've been blessed and count it out loud.
Ann Voskamp writes, “Gratefulness isn’t hard. Forgetting to be grateful is what makes life hard.”
Now I'm not a gratitude expert but I have been practicing long enough to tell you that gratitude multiplies. The more you say “thank you" for the little things, the more you find things to be thankful for.
I honestly believe God knows this about the practice gratitude and that is why the idea of “thanksgiving” is scrawled all over the Bible.
Because thanksgiving is a gift for us. It causes explosions in our own hearts. It is our eyes that begin to shift and our plates that begin to become more full when we...
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