Prayables | with You I am brighter

Published: Tue, 12/12/17

Painful truth is better than a pleasant lie.
Tuesday December 12, 2017
People are often unreasonable and self-centered, love them anyway. May you blessed with a heart as big and welcoming as the One we call God. 
Today's Prayer
Susan Recommends: Take a Break and Watch

Susan's note: I was fortunate enough to hear author and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman when he came to Chicago recently. It was a refreshingly hopeful view of our future, presented with humorous stories and fascinating data supporting his optimistic point of view.

I'm excited to share the entire hour long talk plus Q & A. (Pay attention towards the end of Q &A to hear my question about whether the growing domination of a few mega corporations can ever be a good thing) 

Here's one of his thoughts that touched me. I cleaned up the transcript a bit - so it's not an exact quote, but close enough.

At one level we're all being forced to speed up, speed up our learning, try different things and experiment. I'm simply arguing for this concept of "pause in stride." Observing the Sabbath, whatever your faith is, whether it's on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday it matters more than ever. Finding a place of serenity to stop and think.

My Affirmation
Bible Quote
Prayer Request

Please pray for me everyday as i fear for what is coming along the way especially that i take care of sick people. May God provide me wisdom and healing hands in providing care for my patients. Also to always guide and bless my family, friends, loved ones and all the people on earth. May you give us a peaceful minds and a loving hearts. Amen
Community News

Dear Susan,
I just wanted to acknowledge the passing of my friend, Ron M.  He was the person who kept telling me to sign up for Prayables, telling me how much he got from it.   So one day he got Daily Bread, like I encouraged him to do, and I got Prayables.   When we would see each other in the morning, we would comment on the saying or how much we liked that day’s story or video.
He had faith and was a good man.   I know he is rejoicing in heaven with those he loved.

Thank you, Susan, for the good work you do for all of us who read Prayables each day.
Beth B. 
Dear Beth,
Thank you so much for letting me know. I am so sorry to hear the news. Ron sounds like a dear man who will be missed. I am particularly grateful for his commitment to spread the word, and I am honored that your connection to Prayables will be a small piece of his legacy. May Ron’s memory forever be a blessing. God bless you. 
In gratitude, Susan
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