Thank you for all your prayers. "I have set someone free. He is not yet gone, but I feel one day he will go, with no need for me, & no contact with me. I fear that day, I feel that it is an impossible task I have set myself & feel that I will completely emotionally break down. I pray for strength to carry on that day, & the love to truly set free, without strings attached, & not hurt him, & not hurt myself
& not hurt ANYONE ELSE. "
this was my original request in August, & I am finding myself reasonably equipped, & not breaking down, so it is definitely a prayer answered.
Thank you all so much. It is due to your positive vibes & appeal that I am holding on.
I pray first that the powers that be attend to the urgent & traumatic matters in the millions of prayers of persons in much more pain & need than me.
I pray for everyone who is going through anxiety & depression & physical illness, addiction & misunderstanding.
I feel trivial & ashamed to ask that the person I set free feel something & keep a bit in touch, but it really is my true wish at this time. Every advice & article I read tells me that this only turns out as it is possible, & the course of events just cannot be determined, but one can wish, is it not? Thanks, everyone, once again, & may your pains be alleviated, & may you achieve your full potential through your God.