Prayer has three simple rules: faith, gratitude, and love.
Cut yourself some slack. Allow a few extra minutes of downtime today. Use your minutes for observation. Look up from your cell phone, look away from the television and simply look around you. May your eyes see the blessing of your surroundings and may your heart know the blessing of downtime well spent.
"I am enough today. I am showing up, regardless of the pieces that aren't in the puzzle yet. I am worth it. I will not let a person define worth. This is between me and you, God. Let's do this thing."
by Hannah Brenchner
Trust me when I say, I can go into "drill sergeant mode" pretty quickly. I can transform right in front of your eyes into a living, breathing Nike commercial. It's a gift of mine and I've often applied the same kind of drill sergeant mentality to my own self, only to find out that it doesn't always work. There are just going to be those days (you know the kind) where nothing is going right, where nothing is getting done, where no progress is being made, and you just sort of feel like
you're existing.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out you're having that kind of day right now. You're a few hours into Monday and you're already feeling like you're lagging behind. Like that person who posted that picture on Instagram is miles ahead of you. Like you can never keep up and you just cannot win. I've been there before. It's a familiar yet unsettling feeling.
But here's what I have to tell you today. It's important (and you can be certain I am preaching the very same thing to myself in the mirror today): you are enough already. You have what it takes to make this day happen. You have what you need to get through this week. Any doubts or feelings that you cannot show up to this week are not thoughts to be entertained. They're not credible. They don't deserve to hold weight. They only exist to hold you down and it's important that you face the thoughts
but choose not to let them in.
I love the practice of discipline. I'm enamored with efficiency and new habits and self-improvement. I always have been. But somewhere in my own journey I stopped wanting to improve for the sake of becoming better and I desired self-improvement because I thought what I had to offer wasn't enough. I chiseled away at myself and sought to be better because I wanted people to love me. I wanted to be enough for the world. And that, my friend, is a draining mentality. It's a race you can never
You will never find your purpose in seeking to please everyone.
You will crumble at the altar of trying to make others love you.
I was obsessed with proving to others that I was improving. How strange is... READ MORE
Lord pls help me. Life is too hard. Holy Mary pls cure my son. You are a mother too so you know the pain I am feeling inside. I want to live and enjoy life with my son. Pls do help me. Its too much
- anonymous
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