In a land far away, in a time in the distant past there lived Yana, daughter of Peter and Lil. Yana was a beauty whose faith outshone her fair skin, her silky hair, and her sparkling eyes.
Picture God’s child bathed in kindness and clothed in goodness. She was pure and clean as a fresh snowfall. The devil wanted her for his own.
When Yani was sixteen years, six months, and six days, she sensed danger in the air. She prayed to God for protection and God answered her in a whisper, “I have given you the cunning to outwit the enemy who will soon come before you.”
Sure enough, the family had a visitor that very evening.
There was a light rap, rap, rap at the door. Peter slid open the peep hole and saw his sister standing on the stoop. He flung the door wide open in welcome and in stepped the devil who just as quickly shed his disguise, pushed Peter to the side and grabbed Yani’s mother Lil by the throat and made his demands.
“The girl comes with me willingly and no harm will come to the old lady. If there is a struggle, you all will come with me to the depths of the earth and live for eternity in hellfire and damnation.”
Yana quickly assessed her options and without so much as a split-second hesitation executed her plan.
“Thank you sir for coming to rescue me from these evil people.” I never dreamed to have such a friend as you. One so powerful and strong. So handsome and agile. So clever and caring. Let’s leave at once.”
Peter and Lil were stunned. They had little faith and Yana was giving a stellar performance that fooled them both.
The devil was skeptical. It’s supposed to be harder than this. He mulled it over in his deranged mind. Is it possible that this fair creature admires me? His ego screamed YES! Caution was thrown to the wind.
The devil let Lil’s hand slip and she ran into Peter’s waiting arms.
Believing himself to be a suitor now, the devil took a step forward to approach his new friend. Yana transformed before his very eyes. Her long hair grew white, light and feathery. Her skin became sheer and luminescent from thousands of tiny points of light producing an ethereal glow. Her eyes were a piercing, blinding shade of blue, which hurt the devil when he tried to gaze upon her.
In fact the effect was so immense it swallowed the devil whole and POOF! He was gone.
Just as quickly as Yana transformed into her other-world appearance, she changed back to her same self. Peter and Lil ran to their adored daughter with praise and gratitude to the good Lord who prepared Yana for this very encounter.
Never again did the devil show up to their happy home. Never again did Yana have cause to use her wit in the defeat of evil. From that time on, God’s faithful servants spread good cheer among their neighbors, worked for justice, and did their part to make their corner of the world safer for all the good people who lived among them.
by Susan Diamond
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