“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
1. I am enough. Everything I have done up until this point is enough. No matter what has happened in my life, I am starting fresh today with nothing but possibilities. I was created with divine energy and I will honor that divinity within myself. I can and I will choose to believe in myself today, and every day forward.
2. I will care for myself as fiercely as I care for others. I will remember that I am deserving and that I cannot serve others when I am depleted and worn down. I will honor my needs for sleep, love, self-care and creativity. I will honor my emotions and all they may be asking me to address. I will make my needs and wants a priority so that I can live a well-balanced and joyful life.
3. I have power over overwhelm, stress & anxiety. I can change those feelings by changing my focus. Instead of focusing on areas of lack, I will focus on areas of strength. Instead of focusing on my mistakes, I will focus on the lessons I have learned. Instead of focusing on my fears, I will focus on my potential. And if things get really bad, I will remember that I am not alone, others have battled far worse, and love can save me from anything.
4. I am in complete control of my reactions. No matter what life throws at me today or what words get spoken in my presence, I will consciously and mindfully determine how I react. My words and actions are not subject to the whims of others, they are within my authority alone. What other people say and do is their business, my behavior is mine.
5. I will carry abundance & gratitude into my day. I will take long, deep, slow abundant breaths whenever I feel lack. I will move gracefully and mindfully instead of stressfully rushing. I will see all that I have, instead of all that I do not. I will focus on all I have to be thankful for, instead of all I wish I could change. I will have patience with myself and patience with others.
6. I will be the light I want to see. I will brighten someone’s day. I will empower someone’s heart. I will point out the good instead of highlighting the negative. And when I falter, I will start over again. I will remember that I am here to serve a greater purpose. I will use my thoughts, words and actions contribute to the well-being of the world and all of its creatures. I will be an encourager, protector and nurturer for both myself and others.
7. I can live a courageous life. I can take chances. I can act despite my fears. I can do bold things. Life can get hard and throw lots of curveballs, but today and everyday forward, I will rise to the challenge. I will not hold myself back. I will not be my greatest enemy. I will remember that I am enough, I am deserving and I am strong. And I can live a life full of love and courage.