The King had four walls in his palace. He commissioned four great artists to each decorate a wall of great beauty.
The first artist painted his wall of nature's beauty. Streams, mountains, plants and trees.
The second artist painted man-made beauty. Majestic bridges, streets and buildings.
The third artist painted living breathing things. People, animals, and creatures of all sizes.
The fourth artist, mirrored his wall so all three of the beautiful walls were seen as a whole.
The King was overjoyed with his freshly decorated palace walls and in particular, for the mirrored wall which reflected God's creation; the ingenuity of humanity, and the life-giving resources that withstand the passage of time.
The King's palace is truly a picture of God's gifts. When beauty is expressed with creativity, and people take the time to reflect upon it, we can be sure all generations, past, present, and future will be blessed with abundance.
By Susan Diamond
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