Their family was complicated. Dad is an atheist, he doesn't believe in God. Mom is agnostic. She doesn't believe in God, but doesn't deny that there could be a God. And despite his upbringing, Jimmy, who is eight years old has unshakeable faith in God.
Dad was beside himself. How did I raise a child who believes in this God nonsense?"
He tried talking to Jimmy. But after the lecture was over, Jimmy simply smiled and said, "God bless you Dad."
He tried bribing Jimmy with a new play station and all the games he wanted if he would change his attitude about God. He politely declined.
Finally, he decided to make a BIG statement. He had an 8' sign hung in Jimmy's bedroom with life-size letters that said, "GOD IS NOWHERE"
When Jimmy got home from school and went up to his bedroom he gave a whoop of delight! He ran downstairs to where his father anxiously waited for his reaction.
"It's a miracle! God made me a sign and it says: GOD IS NOW HERE!"
Jimmy took his father by the hand and they went upstairs to his bedroom. Jimmy pointed excitedly to the bedroom billboard.
Sure enough, there was a space between the W and the H in the sign and it clearly read: "GOD IS NOW HERE!"
"Well Jimmy, I guess you were right all along. There is a space in your sign and it looks to me that space was made by God."
In the end, Dad was the one to change his mind about God after all.
By Susan Diamond
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