Observant readers of the Daily Prayables may have noticed that we celebrate Wednesdays with a picture of a camel representing Hump Day.
Camels have a hump, and the week has a hump too. It's Wednesday, that day in the middle of the week that signals your weekend is getting closer. By the time you say your bedtime prayers Wednesday night, you know, the worst of a rough week is behind you.
But how did all this Hump Day nonsense get started?
It started with a clever Geico commercial that went viral. A camel saunters through an office of exhausted employees asking: "Do You know what day it is?" The answer of course is "Hump day."
Check it out - it's a hoot!
And why all the fuss about a silly camel in our daily devotional?
Because one determined reader told us that she was uplifted by the sly humor of the Geico camel. Kathy, kindly, but firmly demanded that a camel make an appearance every Wednesday.
And she held us to it.
We hope our Wednesday camel fetish makes you smile in the middle of your week.