I saw the sentiment of God "needing me" to carry out our individual
part in the Divine plan. That means doing good deeds in service to God, living righteously, helping God with the work that needs to be done on earth.
I certainly did not intend to make a theological statement, and I
don't profess to be a Biblical scholar. Bible lover - yes, someone who takes the Bible literally - not me.
I now realize I was mistaken, and I completely understand and agree
with you. God is almighty, we are God's creation for God's pleasure, not because God needs us. I found the following piece for reflection:
...If He would need you, you would be no more than a utility, a means to an end. There is no real love when your entire value is that you fulfill a need.
Rather, God desires you—not that which you provide, not that which you fulfill. Just you. Your closeness.
With unbridled, undiluted, pure desire, He awaits you to come close to Him. By Tzvi Friedman
Thank you, my friend. I will share your comments and my response with
the community.
Susan Diamond, publisher Daily