Forget the deal-making and promise-breaking. Prayer is not a negotiation. Be still and create a holy moment with God. Rest assured, God will bless you with answers to your unspoken prayers.
You have a BIG God who can answer BIG prayers. May you be blessed with answered prayers bigger and bolder than you can even imagine.
God will turn that no into a yes today and bless you with an opportunity to bring you prosperity. Make the most of the good fortune that comes from God.
May your
blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.
It doesn’t matter
how much they talk about you or try to hold you back. God will bless you and elevate you.
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Click on individual images to share/print or use the Q-Card* where everything from the week is online with live links and text to copy/paste. Â
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Click on individual images to share/print or use the Q-Card*Â Â where everything from the week is online with live links and text to
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