by Susan Diamond
Some people say I’m fearless. I say I’m confident. I’m not afraid of the things that frighten other
I don’t have a tracking device on my children, and I never bought one of those home security systems for my iPhone where I can see the comings and goings of my mailman or delivery people at my front door.
That’s why I didn’t think twice before setting out alone for a walk around 8:00 Saturday night to get my steps in.
It’s true. I live in a moderately big city with some crime, but I feel safe at all
My route can vary. I like to mix it up, take different streets, and walk through different neighborhoods. My mind was wandering that night as it always does when I took a little detour that night where I don’t often walk.
I passed a church, and the doors were open wide. A service was going on, and I saw people praying. That always makes me feel good. I took a moment to say a little prayer of my own.
I’m sure it
must have been a “Thank God” because I was feeling good. And I was about to be feeling even better.
As I passed the church’s doors, I saw a group of young teen-age boys horsing around on the front lawn. And one of them called out to me.
“Mam, would you like to hear us sing?”
I said, “Sure I would. Can I take your picture first?”
I got a hearty “Yes!” and lots of laughter. These boys were having fun.