Nobody is all that easy to be with. We all have our quirks. May God bless you with patience when it comes to putting up with the peculiarities of the people around you.
Today God is blessing you with good thoughts, brave deeds, and well-deserved happiness.
Stress comes from trying to do too much without help. May you be blessed with calm and peace when you let God help.
The sun is weak at sunrise until it gathers strength as the day goes on. May you too be blessed with a light that grows with each passing hour.
Recognize the right voice, the worthy voice among the many you hear in your head. May you be blessed to focus on good without interference from distractions that cause you harm.
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Click on individual images to share/print or use the Q-Card*Â where everything from the week is online with
live links and text to copy/paste. Â
Click on individual images to share/print or use the Q-Card*Â Â where everything from
the week is online with live links and text to copy/paste. Â
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